Social Media & Phishing

Internet scams are running rampant, more so than ever. Phishing schemes have evolved from solely phone calls and emails. It’s becoming more common for scammers to connect with you through your social media channels.

Currently on Instagram, many have fallen victim to a particular scam where they are sent a link and asked to send the same link back to the original sender. People believe the request is harmless because the request is coming from a follower, friend, connection, etc. Little do they know that account has been compromised and it is not their friend sending the request! The link you send back is a way for the scammer to reset your Instagram log-in information. Once they have access to your account, they send the same message to your friends, hoping to trick them the same way. In addition, a lot will start promoting a cryptocurrency scam while pretending to be you.

How do you avoid this?

  • Don’t click unfamiliar links.
  • Ask questions.
  • Ask your friend to verify themselves. If you ask them to send a photo, make sure it’s not a photo already on their Instagram account. Better yet, call that person to chat over the phone to confirm their request.
  • All in all, your best bet is to stay informed about the various phishing scams out there, stay critical of the things you experience on social media and the internet. If it is too good to be true, then it probably is.

If you ever have questions or need help, don’t hesitate to contact our office.

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